What is superstition?
Superstition - belief which cannot be explain through logic and science.
We live in a country where superstition are believed to be more real that Newton's Gravitational law. if you're born in an Indian household then you're destined to meet some of the most common superstition. These half-believed practices are not related with any scientific basis, reason and contemporary. Superstition are supreme in our country, Some superstition have scientific theory but are some are so dumb, uhh! Read for yourself - After 6 pm nails shouldn't be cut, grass shouldn't be cut on Monday, shaving shouldn't be on Tuesday, hairs shouldn't be cut on Wednesday, Chutiya shouldn't be cut on Thursday, Hands shouldn't be cut on Friday, Breaking mirror shouldn't be on Saturday, Holiday shouldn't be on Sunday (For All Blogger's). Meaning everyday of the week has its own superstition. These superstition are coming out like lottery tickets. In coming years, talking about superstition will bring another new superstition.
India is a diverse country of different cultures and superstition. Every day, we see all around us. When a black crosses our path we stop like a dead statue until someone else's crosses first. Well, the nicest thing about our nation is that we uphold these traditions even in the face of certainty that nothing bad will occur. Amazing India Indeed!
Let's look at the most dumbest superstition and theories behind them:-
1. Black Cat Crossing
It's believed that if a black cat crosses your path is said to bring bad luck. Not Just in India but this is a popular in west too. The Egyptians, who thought that black cats were unlucky animals, are credited with creating this superstition. It's stated that you should let someone else go ahead of you if a a black cat crosses your path. in this manner, you will avoid all the bad luck while the first individual does (Selfish!).
But the actual theory is:
In Ancient civilization, Believed that black cats were actually shape-shifting demons and they are sent to spy on humans. Crossing paths with one of these are thought to invite their evil force entering you life.
Now, Picture this:-
A black cat is roaming around in search food and water, unfortunately he or she crosses paths with you because that black cat has seen something to eat on the other side, at that moment you yes! you are going to propose your best friend and at that moment you see this cat crossing your path what would you do:-
A)- You Read this Blog, You don't Believe In Superstition
B)- You Believe In Superstition, So You Wait For Anther Person To Cross before You
C)- You Believe In Superstition Again But You're Not Selfish So You Come Back
D)- You're Kind Gentleman, So You Adopt That Black Cat
Answer:- A)- You Read This Blog And You Don't Believe In Superstition.
You Get Rejected! Also She Ended The Friendship!
Yeah! That's a Win-Loose; You Win As Human And Loose As A Man. Don't worry there still 3.92 billion women in the world you can try next one.
2. Breaking Mirror
Breaking a mirror is said to bring seven years of bad luck. This superstition may origin to an idea of that mirror contain a piece of the soul and that shattering one can harm.
According to legends, mirrors were originally doorway to parallel realms, and smashing one would be equivalent to upsetting the delicate balance between dimensions, It was like accidently hitting send a message about your class teacher on official class WhatsApp group, resulting in years of cosmic chaos and bad luck.
3. Shaving On Tuesday
In some parts of India , It's considered unlucky to shave on Tuesday, This superstition is likely to be related with Hindu astrology, Where Tuesday are dedicated to planet mars (Mangal Grah), Associated with anger and conflict.
According to ancient times, It was believed that there was a thin veil separating the physical and spiritual energy realms due to the alignment of planets on Tuesday. It was believed that shaving on this time would disrupt the harmony of the heavens and draw in bad energy.
4. Sweeping At Night
It's believed that sweeping the house at night brings poverty and negativity. This superstition may have originated from the fear sweeping away good luck or disturbing spirits during the night.
According to some legends, Evil spirits roamed freely at night, disguised as sand particles, sweeping after dusk was like throwing a surprise party, with complete beverages tainted and confetti.
5. Sneezing Before Leaving
Sneezing before leaving house brings bad luck, This superstition may have evolved from the fear that your spirit will leave your body during a sneeze. This makes you vulnerable for Evil Influence on you.
In ancient times, sneezing was considered a sign of the gods communicating with mortals. Sneezing before leaving your house was like getting a last-minute warning pop-up from the gods - "are you sure you want to proceed? There may be danger ahead..."
Science And Superstitions
Superstition has no place in our scientific period with numerous innovations and seemingly impossible feats with a single blink of the eye. Superstition and science are diametrically opposite. Despite not realizing it, they are the two sides of the same coin.
Superstition are self-imposed, self-serving beliefs, or they are just beliefs. However, the most well-known and widely used word in our centaury is science. According to popular belief, science is something realistic that may even make the impossible possible as landing on moon is not superstition.
Superstition have no begging and no ending; they are complete in and of themselves, while science has a lovely begging and perhaps a painful end. However these two concepts - Impossible and feasible, incomprehensible or conceivable, endless and Infinite.
Man! If I had studied this much of English during the class time, I wouldn't have to write blogs today.
So, that's it for todays blogs guys, If you also don't believe i superstition, then let me know in comments. And yeah If you liked my blog then do follow me!
I'll see you in next blog till then Bye! Bye!